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Spring 2023 Literature Supplement IAP 2023 Fall 2022 Literature Supplement
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International Literatures

21L.640[J] The New Spain: 1977-Present
Margery Resnick T 7:00-10:00p 14N-325

Prereq: One intermediate subject in Spanish or permission of instructor
3-0-9 HASS-H
Topics: Is Taught in Spanish, Thinks about Social Justice Issues, Works with Visual Materials/Film/Media

Deals with the vast changes in Spanish social, political and cultural life that have taken place since the death of Franco (1975). Topics include the transition to democracy, new freedom from censorship, the re-emergence of strong movements for regional autonomy (the Basque region and Catalonia), the new cinema including Almodóvar and Saura, educational reforms instituted by the socialist government, the changes in the role of the Catholic church, the emergence of one of the world’s most progressive gender environment, and new forms of fiction.  Special emphasis on the mass media as a vehicle for expression in Spain. Materials include magazines, newspapers, films, television series, fiction, and essays.  Each student chooses a research project that focuses on an issue of personal interest. Taught in Spanish.