Donating to the Literature Section

Your donations to the Literature Section will help us to continue community building efforts for all those with a love of Literature. These initiatives include the Literature Monday Tea, a weekly informal gathering of faculty, staff, and students who come together during the academic year to catch up with friends or confer about classes with a fellow student or a faculty or staff person, to consult about minor or major issues in a less formal context, and to hatch great plans for the future.

Your donations will also allow us to continue to support the MIT Literary Society, an undergraduate reading group that meets twice monthly to discuss books chosen by the group. Books selected for discussion range from the classics to contemporary works, and members take turns leading discussion.

How to Donate

You can donate online by following this link.

Alternatively, you can donate by check. Please make checks payable to MIT Literature Section and send to:

Lisa Noble
Administrative Officer
Literature Section, SHASS, MIT
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139


On behalf of the Literature Section, thank you very much for your consideration!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 617-253-3581 or at