To find subjects taught in previous semesters, you may also look at the archived Literature Supplements.
Spring 2023 Literature Supplement | IAP 2023 | Fall 2022 Literature Supplement |
21L.003 | Reading Fiction: Counterpoint , Section 2 | Ina Lipkowitz | TR | 9:30 - 11:00 | 4-144 |
Prereq: none Counterpoint: the technique of combining two or more melodic lines in such a way that they establish a harmonic relationship while retaining their linear individuality. This term, we’ll be reading fiction as both independent and interdependent works. How do Junot Diaz and Sandra Cisneros’s story collections illuminate one another—or Margaret Atwood and Kazuo Ishiguro’s dystopian novels? E.M. Forster and Jhumpa Lahiri’s cross-cultural narratives? Virginia Woolf and Ian McEwan’s 24-hour novels? In each case, the earlier work prepares us for the later one, which in turn forces us to reconsider its precursor. |
21L.004 | Reading Poetry: Section 1 | Stephen Tapscott | MW | 7:00 - 8:30 | 56-162 |
Prereq: none An introduction to poems and the traditions and forms of poetry in English. We’ll read chiefly British and American poets and will concentrate on Renaissance, eighteenth-century, Romantic, and Modernist poems. Though the organization of the subject is chronological, our focus will be less on names and dates than on cultivating skills in careful reading and effective writing. Poets to be read may include Shakespeare, Wordsworth, Keats, Dickinson, Frost, Eliot, Elizabeth Bishop, Claudia Rankine. Readings: mostly poems, but also one Shakespeare play, several films, and a novel by Mary Shelley. Several evening events including readings by visiting writers. |
21L.004 | Reading Poetry: From Ben Jonson to Beyoncé , Section 2 | Joaquín Terrones | MW | 9:30 - 11:00 | 2-103 |
Prereq: none How do poems work? Who, and what, are they for? This course will introduce you to the pleasures of poetry in English, seeking to develop the tools and vocabulary in order to better appreciate the full range of what verse can do. In the first two-thirds, we will read key poets from the Renaissance to Modernism, including Shakespeare, Milton, Keats, Whitman, Emily Dickinson, T.S. Eliot and William Carlos Williams. In the last third, we will turn to contemporary American poetry and song in order to consider how they intervene in ongoing national conversations about democracy and identity. The poets and lyricists studied include Mos Def, Bob Dylan, Rita Dove, Claudia Rankine, Kendrick Lamar, Richard Blanco and Beyoncé. |
21L.005 | Introduction to Drama | Sandy Alexandre | TR | 2:00 - 3:30 | 5-234 |
Prereq: none In her autobiographical play, To Be Young Gifted and Black (1969), the playwright Lorraine Hansberry wrote: “I think that virtually every human being is dramatically interesting.” In our own lives—through our own verbal and body language—we alternate between deprecating and eagerly embracing what it means to be dramatic: “Oh gosh, he is so dramatic,” we accuse! “Yes, honey! I’m absolutely a drama queen,” we might hear someone proudly profess. “D-rahmuh!” we drawl to diagnose a scandalous story. Drama is everywhere around us asserting itself: provoking us, amusing us, challenging us, prompting us, catching the conscience of Kings even—effectively acting on us in some way or another. By reading and watching video-recorded plays as well as attending at least one theatrical performance, we will attempt to understand what drama does best and uniquely as a literary genre. Toward the end of the semester, we will also consider the various forms drama can take. Where, for example, do we situate a historical reenactment, a staged protest, or a flash mob in an Introduction to Drama course? Our readings will include, but are not limited to, plays by Tennessee Williams, Wole Soyinka, Lorraine Hansberry, August Wilson, Young Jean Lee, and Tarell Alvin McCraney. |
21L.008[J] |
Black Matters: Introduction to Black Studies
24.912[J], 21H.106[J], 21W.741[J], WGS.190[J] |
Michel Degraff | TR | 9:30 - 11:00 | 56-167 |
Prereq: none What do texts and theories about, and the uses of, the languages and cultures of Africans and their descendants in the Diaspora reveal about the making of race- and class-related hierarchies of power throughout the world? What do these texts and theories require of all of us and how can they be enriched by our own analyses—of us as local community members and as world citizens? How can we improve our future through the study of our past? How can we identify and analyze general global patterns through the study of the local and specific? |
21L.011 | Introduction to Film Studies | David Thorburn | T | 3:30 - 5:00 | 3-270 |
Screening | M | 7:00 - 10:00 | 3-270 | ||
Recitation 1 | R | 3:00 - 4:00 | 1-273 | ||
Recitation 2 | R | 3:00 - 4:00 | 1-277 | ||
Recitation 3 | R | 4:00 - 5:00 | 1-273 | ||
Recitation 4 | R | 4:00 - 5:00 | 1-273 | ||
Prereq: none This subject will examine a series of classic films by American, European, and Asian directors with emphasis on the historical evolution of the film medium and on the cultural and artistic importance of individual films. The course will be organized in three segments: The Silent Era (films by such directors as Griffith, Chaplin, Keaton, Murnau); Hollywood Genres (Capra, Fosse, Hawks, Huston, Kelly, Polanski, Welles); International Masters (Renoir, De Sica, Kurosawa, Kar-wai). |
21L.019 | Introduction to European and Latin American Fiction: Great Fiction on the Page and the Screen | Margery Resnick | TR | 2:00 - 3:30 | 14E-310 |
Prereq: none This class reads works by some of those famous authors whose names you have heard, but whose works you might not have read: Dostoyevsky, Machado de Assis, Zola, Puig, Calvino, Mann, Cholderlos de Laclos, Rulfo. We will pay attention not only to the literary movements these works represent, but also to the subtle interplay of history, geography, language and cultural norms that gave rise to these novels. |
21L.021 | Comedy: Comedy & Love | Wyn Kelley | MW | 3:30 - 5:00 | 14N-325 |
Prereq: none This class considers romantic comedy in literature spanning over 2000 years of a mostly Western tradition. We will look at examples of Greek, Roman, and Shakespearean drama and the bawdy stories of Boccaccio, Chaucer, and Rabelais; investigate love in the social satire of Jane Austen and Oscar Wilde; and try to understand the uneasy relationship between farce and romance, violence and redemptive humor, satire and festivity in comic art. We will focus on certain continuities: the body as object and source of rebellious pleasure; transgression against social norms corrected and reordered through laughter; verbal play and wit; identity and mistaken identity; political protest and social reform. As the class develops, we will also note the ways writers appropriate and reshape comic plots and structures from the past for new uses. Discussion will frequently draw on examples of popular and contemporary forms of comic expression. |
21L.320 | Big Books: George Eliot's Middlemarch | James Buzard | W | 3:30 - 5:00 | 2-103 |
Prereq: none In Middlemarch, the novelist known as George Eliot (but in real life named Mary Ann Evans) created one of great masterpieces in the history of fiction. Many people think it the greatest novel in the English language and Eliot one of literature’s greatest stylists. Her capacity for psychological, ethical, and social analysis is unrivaled. Her humor is subtle, delightful, and humane. |
21L.338 | Reading in the Original: Virgil's Eclogues | Stephanie Frampton | R | 7:00 - 10:00 | 2-103 |
Prereq: Permission of instructor An introduction to reading Latin literature in the original language. Topic for 2015 will be selections from Virgil’s Eclogues. This course provides a bridge for students with one semester or more of formal Latin training (Latin 1/2, high school Latin, AP Latin, or equivalent) between the study of Latin grammar and the reading of Latin authors. |
21L.350 | Science and Literature: Brave New Worlds | Shankar Raman | R | 2:00 - 3:30 | 56-167 |
Prereq: none While my title harks back to Shakespeare’s The Tempest, it refers more directly to the Aldous Huxley novel with which we shall begin our exploration of utopic and dystopic fantasies that imaginatively respond to the promises and perils of scientific ‘progress.’ Alongside fiction from the Renaissance to the twentieth century – including such authors as Bacon, Cavendish, Brecht, and H G Wells – we will delve into the work of writers such as Hannah Arendt and Martin Heidegger, who have thought deeply about the implications of scientific and technological rationality. |
21L.431 | Shakespeare on Film and Media | Peter S. Donaldson | W | 7:00 - 10:00 | 16-644 |
Prereq: none Shakespeare on Film and Media raises many questions for literary and media studies about adaptation and authorship; the status of “classic” texts and their variant forms; the role of Shakespeare in popular culture; the transition from manuscript, book, and stage to the modern medium of film and its recent digitally enhanced forms; and the implications of global production and distribution of Shakespeare on film in the digital age. |
21L.435 |
Literature and Film: Queer Cinema
CMS.840 |
KJ Surkan | T | 7:00 - 10:00 | 3-270 |
Prereq: One subject in Literature or Comparative Media Studies Investigates relationships between the two media, including film adaptations as well as works linked by genre, topic, and style. Explores how artworks challenge and cross cultural, political, and aesthetic boundaries. Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments. |
21L.485 | Modern Fiction: Twentieth Century Fiction: Modernist Masters | David Thorburn | TR | 12:30 - 2:00 | 2-103 |
Prereq: One subject in Literature Tradition and innovation in a representative sampling of novels and shorter fiction by the great English and European modernists – Conrad, Woolf, Joyce, Kafka, and others. Recurring topics will include the role of the artist in the modern period, the representation of sexual and psychological experience, shifting attitudes toward gender roles and social class, and the aggressively experimental character of so many modern texts. Early classes will link our writers with the great impressionist and modernist painters. |
21L.487 | Modern Poetry: Healing the World | Stephen Tapscott | T | 7:00 - 10:00 | TBA |
Prereq: One subject in Literature We will read major poems by the most important poets in English in the twentieth century, emphasizing especially the period between post-WW I disillusionment and early WW II internationalism (ca. 1918-1940). Our special focus this term will be on how the concept of “the Image” evolved during this period. The War had undercut beliefs in master-narratives of nationalism and empire, and the language-systems that supported them (religious transcendence, rationalism, and formalism). Retrieving energies from the Symbolist movements of the preceding century and from turn-of-the-century technologies of vision, early twentieth-century poets began to rethink how images carry information, and in what ways the visual, visionary, and verbal image can take the place of transcendent beliefs. New theories of linguistics and anthropology helped to advance this interest in the artistic/religious image. So did Freud. So did Charlie Chaplin. We will read poems that pay attention both to this disillusionment and to the compensatory joyous attention to the image: to ideas of the poet as language priest, aesthetic experience as displaced religious impulse, and to poetry as faith, ritual, and cultural form. Poets whose work we will read include: W.B. Yeats, T.S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, Hilda Doolittle, Gertrude Stein, William Carlos Williams, Langston Hughes. |
21L.489[J] |
Interactive Narrative
21W.765[J], CMS.845 |
Nick Montfort | W | 7:00 - 10:00 | 14E-310 |
Prereq: none The course consists of three units: |
21L.490[J] |
Introduction to the Classics of Russian Literature
21G.077[J] |
Maria Khotimsky | TR | 2:30 - 4:00 | 16-628 |
Prereq: none Russian literature holds a universal appeal in the eyes of many generations of readers. In a listing by Great Books, 10 of 100 world’s greatest novels are by Russian authors. How do these writers convey the particularities of Russian culture and shape our understanding of Russia? How do they reflect the turbulent history of their land, yet capture imagination of readers around the globe? What are some unique ways in which they define human psychology, the quest for the meaning of life and self-realization in the world? In this course, we will explore the works of classical Russian writers of the nineteenth and twentieth century, including stories and novels by Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Bunin, Nabokov, Platonov, Solzhenitsyn and others. In the first part of the course we will read the works of the major nineteenth-century Russian authors, focusing on their approaches to portraying self and society. In the second part of the course, we will look at how writers responded to pivotal events in Russian history – revolutions, wars, years of the Soviet regime, and the collapse of the communist system. All readings in English. Students interested in completing some readings and a project in Russian should register for 21G.618. |
International Literatures
21L.636[J] |
Introduction to Contemporary Hispanic Literature and Film
21G.716[J] |
Joaquín Terrones | MW | 1:00 - 2:30 | 14N-325 |
Prereq: One intermediate subject in Spanish or permission of instructor This course introduces students to the literature and cinema of contemporary Spain and Latin America. By becoming familiar with the historical, political and cultural settings that shaped these texts and films, we will consider what, if anything makes them uniquely Hispanic. What links the Old World with the New? How has Spain envisioned its place within Western Europe? How has Latin America defined itself in relationship to its northern neighbor? Some of the authors and filmmakers we will discuss include Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel García Márquez, Gabriela Mistral, Roberto Bolaño, Mayra Febres-Santos, Luis Buñuel and Pedro Almodovar. |
21L.703 | Studies in Drama: Ten great plays from the modern American theatre | Anne Fleche | TR | 3:30 - 5:00 | 66-156 |
Prereq: Two subjects in Literature What’s a great play, or even a good one? And for what or whom is it good—the actor, the audience, the world? Does the production make it good, or is the text of the play enough? In this seminar, we will study plays that made a difference in the twentieth century, when American drama really began to define itself and to have an influence on world drama. We’ll consider the plays’ historical context, including influential productions, as well as editorial and publication decisions. Participants will have the chance to see both filmed and live productions, and to become an expert on a playwright of their choice. |
21L.705 | Major Authors: Toni Morrison | Sandy Alexandre | T | 7:00 - 10:00 | 14N-325 |
Prereq: Two subjects in Literature This subject provides a comprehensive and critical overview not only of the literary and scholarly work of the great American author Toni Morrison, but also of her cultural impact. Morrison’s novels are well known for being stylistically dense and sometimes emotionally difficult to read and understand. But to borrow Morrison’s own words—from her very first novel The Bluest Eye (1970)—the semester-long exercise of reading, thinking, and writing about her work promises to be “a productive and fructifying pain.” Indeed, our readings of Morrison’s fictional and nonfictional texts will help us understand what it means to write, release, and learn from various forms of pain—from historical pain to personal pain. As we allow ourselves the opportunity to meditate on her writings, during the course of the semester, my ultimate hope is that we will open ourselves to the possibility of growing more intellectually astute as literary critics, readers, writers, and thinkers. We will read eight of her eleven novels, some of her essays, her short story “Recitatif,” and critical essays about her work. |
21L.706 |
Studies in Film
CMS.830 |
Eugenie Brinkema | W | 2:00 - 5:00 | 1-379 |
Screening | M | 7:00 - 10:00 | 3-133 | ||
Prereq: 21L.011, one subject in Literature or Comparative Media Studies; or permission of instructor “Ce n’est pas du sang, c’est du rouge.” |
21L.707 | Problems in Cultural Interpretation: Reading Cookbooks | Ina Lipkowitz | TR | 11:30 - 1:00 | 4-146 |
Prereq: Two subjects in Literature or permission of instructor Iron chefs & home cooks; molecular gastronomy & farm-to-table dining; grain-based & protein-based diets: a time traveler from the future would learn a lot about us from our cookbooks, blogs, and Food Network. When we visit the past through cookbooks, we find strange and quirky recipes, but we also learn about the worlds that produced them: about foodstuffs & technology; about religious beliefs and nutritional theories; about who wrote, read, and cooked; and about the gender dynamics of culinary writing. |
21L.709 | Studies in Literary History: Ethnic Literature in America | Wyn Kelley | MW | 11:00 - 12:30 | 2-139 |
Prereq: Two subjects in Literature or History Although this class starts by critically examining the term “ethnic” as it pertains to a wide range of cultural forms over three centuries, we will focus mostly on contemporary writers. Questions to consider will include: How has ethnic writing changed American culture and renovated forms of literary expression? What are the varieties and nuances of what we might call an ethnic subjectivity? What could it mean to harbor fugitives within the self: transgressive thoughts or a “foreign” identity? And what is the future of “ethnic” literature in a global space? |
21L.715 |
Media in Cultural Context
CMS.871 |
Stephanie Frampton | M | 2:00 - 4:00 | 14N-112 |
W | 2:00 - 3:00 | ||||
Prereq: Two subjects in Literature or Comparative Media Studies; or permission of instructor A kaleidoscopic introduction to the history and theory of communications from papyrus to pixel. With weekly “lab” sessions in MIT Library’s Special Collections, where students will get to dig deep into historical books and other media through a series of special projects and case studies, this class offers a serious primer in media and media theory, with special focus on histories of the book. Will be of interest to students of literature, music, media, or history. Readings may include McLuhan, Derrida, Kittler, Gitelman, Vismann, Kirschenbaum, and Siegert. Satisfies the historical requirement for Literature. |
Special Subjects and Topics
21L.S88 | Special Subject in Literature: Greek I | Stephanie Frampton | R | 7:00 - 10:00 | 2-103 |
Prereq: Permission of instructor Begins April 3 Introduces rudiments of ancient Greek—the language of Plato, Sophocles, Thucydides, Euclid, and the basis for that of the New Testament—to students with little or no prior knowledge of the subject. Aimed at laying a foundation to begin reading ancient and/or medieval texts. Greek I and Greek II may be combined by petition (after completion of both) to count as a single HASS Elective. |
21L.S90 | Special Subject in Literature: Design Workshop: James Joyce, the Computer Game | Elyse Graham | R | 7:00 - 10:00 | 4-253 |
Prereq: Permission of instructor In this hands-on seminar, we design and build a computer game based on James Joyce’s classic novel, Ulysses. Starting with an existing prototype, we explore ways to deepen and enrich the play experience through the use of game mechanics, storytelling, and music, with the aim of finishing the course with a realized product to put in the public domain (and into your portfolio). |