Alexander Svensson

Alexander Svensson


Alex Svensson received his Ph.D. in Film and Media Studies at Indiana University, Bloomington. His research primarily focuses on horror media, promotional culture, and digital forms of media production, exhibition, circulation, and reception. In particular, his current work is invested in the exploration of often contentious and controversial reactions to horror promotional texts and experiences, ranging from dislike, fear, and disgust, to personal traumas, moral panics, and censorship. His other teaching and research interests include studies of found footage, mobile media, movie trailers, experimental film/video, and mediated spaces.

Along with his work at MIT, he also currently teaches courses on media criticism, theory, and the history of the media arts at Emerson College.

His research and writing can be found in Jordan Peele’s Get Out: Political Horror (ed. Dawn Keetley), Horror HomeroomParticipations: Journal of Audience & Reception StudiesTransformative Works and Culturesin media res, and the Brattle Theatre Film Notes Blog.

Subjects taught the current academic year:

21L.011 Introduction to Film Studies (Fall 2022)

21L.011 Introduction to Film Studies (Spring 2023)


Subjects taught in recent years:

21L.011 Introduction to Film Studies (Spring 2023)

21L.011 Introduction to Film Studies (Fall 2022)

21L.011 Introduction to Film Studies (Spring 2022)

21L.433 Film Styles and Genres: Body Genres: Horror, Comedy, and Melodrama (Spring 2021)

21L.706 Studies in Film: Lost and Found Footage (Spring 2022)