Concentration in Literature
Students come to Literature to fulfill their Concentrations for many reasons. Some love to read great books, plays, or poems, or want to explore film and media studies. Some wish to hone their skills in thinking and writing about literary questions. Others enjoy participating in lively discussion in small classes. Many have favorite authors or periods they want to know better.
We accommodate all levels of interest in literature. Many students go on to Minor or Major in Literature after completing a Concentration. We try to make that progression as seamless as possible.
If you have questions about Literature courses, do consult with faculty advisors at any time.
What subjects count for a Literature Concentration?
The requirements for a Literature Concentration are three subjects, including one subject from the Intermediate tier (400-, 500-, 600) and one subject from the Seminar (700-) tier. Two six-unit Samplings courses may be combined by petition to count as one Intermediate-tier subject for the purposes of a Concentration. The Literature Faculty strongly recommends the addition of a fourth subject as a way of increasing the intellectual depth and range of a student’s literary experience.
Certain subjects in Writing and Humanistic Studies, Global Studies and Languages, and History may also qualify as part of a Literature Concentration when taken as a third (or fourth) subject beyond the two required subjects in Literature.
How do I plan my Concentration?
Concentrations in Literature may be organized to give you depth in a certain area of literary study by genre, theme, or period – for example, successful concentrations have had a focus in poetry, film, Shakespeare, American literature, literary theory, the novel, and the medieval world – or they may be designed to give you breadth across all of our offerings. The precise contours of your study are up to you, but must be developed in consultation with a Concentration Advisor in Literature. Therefore, before your proposal is approved, we require all proposing concentrators to meet with a Concentration Advisor in Literature, who will help you define your concentration and select courses that best suit your interests and objectives.
How do I find a Concentration advisor?
Each term the names of the Concentration advisors are posted on the Faculty Advisors page of the Literature website and on the bulletin board outside the Headquarters (14N-407). Any advisor will be happy to meet with you to discuss your program. Don’t worry if you complete your Concentration with a different advisor from the one you started with.
If you need further information you may also email
What forms do I fill out?
Students who wish to concentrate in Literature must discuss their plans in advance with a Concentration Advisor, ideally no later than by the end of their sophomore year. The first necessary step for a Concentration is to declare your plans to a Concentration Advisor, and – with his or her guidance – to fill out and submit a Concentration Proposal form.
Starting on Monday, August 25, 2014, students graduating after June 2015 will be able to submit their HASS Concentration Form online. Students graduating on or before June 2015, must use paper forms: available in Lit HQ (14N-407), the Office of the HASS Requirement (35-433), the SHASS Dean’s Office (4-240), and the Student Services Center (11-120). Students and HASS Concentration Advisors will be able to access the new online form through the Student Forms & Petitions page:
There are training materials, including quick guides and a video, for both students and HASS Concentration Advisors at:
Upon successful completion of the Concentration (or in the semester in which you are taking the final course needed to complete your Concentration), you will meet again with an advisor and submit a Concentration Completion form. At that time you will also need a copy of the original Concentration Proposal and a copy of your grades. If you have mislaid your original Proposal, stop by the Literature Headquarters (14N-407) to request a copy.
Concentration Proposal and Concentration Completion forms are available outside the SHASS Dean’s office, 4-240. Keep in mind that Concentration is part of the 8 HASS subject requirement for the GIR and both forms must be submitted in time or you may be subject to a late fee or/and delay in graduation. Information about the Concentration Component of the HASS Requirement can be found at:
What if I change my mind about my planned selection of subjects?
As long as your chosen subjects still make up a coherent group, you may indicate on the Completion form any subjects you have changed. Your Concentration Advisor is responsible for ratifying the changes.