Janet Sylvester’s first books of poetry, That Mulberry Wine and The Mark of Flesh, were published by Wesleyan University Press and W.W. Norton. Her new book, After-Hours at the Museum of Tolerance, was a finalist at Paris Press. Her poems have appeared in many journals and anthologies: Pushcart Prize XXVIII; Best American Poetry; Triquarterly; Boulevard, Harvard Review; Virginia Quarterly Review; Georgia Review; Poetry Daily; and many others. She directs the low-residency BFA Program in Creative Writing at Goddard College in Vermont.
Janet Sylvester’s books of poems are After-Hours at the Museum of Tolerance (in circulation to publishers); The Mark of Flesh (W.W. Norton); and That Mulberry Wine (Wesleyan University Press). Many of her poems have appeared in anthologies and journals, including the Pushcart Prize anthology, Best American Poetry, Triquarterly, Virginia Quarterly Review, Colorado Review, Harvard Review, etc. She is at work on a new book, Color Wheel.