Making Waves: A Night To Celebrate Amphibious Achievement |April 10, 2015 |6-9pm | Microsoft NERD Center

image-2Amphibious Achievement is an MIT student-run, dual athletic and academic mentorship group that meets every Sunday with 60 high school students (called Achievers) and 40 college student mentors. It’s completely student-run and we raise all necessary funds for our Achievers to come to the program free of cost.

This year we are holding an inaugural benefit gala Making Waves: A Night To Celebrate Amphibious Achievement on Friday, April 10th from 6-9pm. We hope that you can join us at Microsoft NERD Center (1 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, 02142) for dinner, silent auction and an opportunity to meet Achievers, mentors, and supporters of the program. We’re excited to celebrate four years of Amphibious Achievement and this fundraiser will go a long way in helping us remain sustainable for years to come.

Please find more details and purchase a ticket to this event at our Eventbrite Page. All ticket sales and donations go directly to Amphibious Achievement. Please extend the invitation to anyone else you think would like to go – the more the merrier! We hope to see you there!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the gala coordinators at!