Lecturer Wyn Kelley Presents “The Poetry of Whaling”


Image from whalingmuseum.org

On Jul 1, 2014, MIT Lecturer Wyn Kelley presents “The Poetry of Whaling” at the Whaling History Symposium in New Bedford, MA. Kelley’s talk “examines Melville’s romance with the sea and with whaling, as shown in his life and travels, his novels of the Pacific (including Mardi and Moby-Dick), and his poems, especially his late collection, John Marr.”

For the Fall 2014 semester, Kelley will be teaching “Mapping Melville.” In 21L.705 Major Authors: Mapping Melville, students will track Melville’s journeys in life and literature, immersing themselves in Melville’s novels, stories, and poems—Typee, Moby-Dick, his magazine fiction, and Billy Budd among others—in order to experience the sweep of his literary and geospatial imagination.

The 38th Whaling History Symposium is scheduled from June 30- July 3 and is co-hosted by The New Bedford Whaling Museum, Mystic Seaport, Nantucket Historical Association and The Melville Society. The Symposium brings scholars, writers, artists, museum curators, and local historians who share interests in whales, whaling, Herman Melville, Moby Dick, maritime history, nautical lore, and the intriguing facets of whaling heritage worldwide.

The symposium coincides with the return of the 1841 Whaleship Charles W. Morgan to New Bedford. On July 7, Wyn Kelley will be one of the 38th Voyagers to sail on the Morgan.


Image from Mysticseaport.org